Men Do Matter

Free To Watch - Family Or Career? Its All About Timing

Free To Watch - Family Or Career? Its All About Timing

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Males are failing in every level of education. At primary school the majority of remedial reading students are male, at High School the majority of prize winners are female, at University, 70% of graduates are female. These disparities are causing a feedback loop that is worsening the issue and the broader social implications are negative.

We must ask, "Is this because of female empowerment, or is it because of an education system that favours female traits and achievements to the detriment of boys?" 

Consider the simple observations that pre-school and primary school staff are almost totally female with female values. Boys are failing because they are disinterested. Also consider the dominance of Gender Studies (another term for Feminist propaganda) in Humanities at Universities. Female graduates leave university indoctrinated with feminist propaganda, and they go on to dominate the education of our children. The unconscious bias that the education system is delivering is male powerlessness. It will take decades to undo this damage. 

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